Monday, December 21, 2015

Late Christmas Shopping.

Never in a million years did i think i would get so stressed over buying gifts. I've been looking forward to Christmas since last Christmas. This year has been so hectic, that i waited until last minute to get my Christmas gifts. Yesterday we ran to the mall to get our last minute gifts. This year we changed the rules, and decided to have a "Secret Santa" instead of having to get everyone gifts. I ended up getting my Secret Santa a super cute purse and pajamas. I know she's going to love them. Anyway, while we where  at the mall we decided to try some delicious fries from Spud Monster. Let me just say they are DELICIOUS! I definitely recommend  them. Overall our last minute Christmas shopping trip wasn't so bad.
Large Sweater is from Windsor.
Jeans are from Express.
Shoes are from Forever 21.
Scarf is from Target.

Texas Barbecue.

Waffle fries showered with nacho cheese, 
BBQ sauce, and large bits of bacon.

Typical mom photo.
